2024年1月10-12日、The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, The 22nd SANKEN Nanotechnology International Symposiumに参加し、4件の発表を行いました。
- CO2-laser-induced gradient carbonization of CaCl2-treated wood sheet for moisture-enabled electricity generation
Kazuki Matsumoto, Luting Zhu, Takaaki Kasuga, Masaya Nogi, Hirotaka Koga
The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, The 22nd SANKEN Nanotechnology International Symposium, Hyogo, Japan, January 11 (2024) (Poster presentation). Best Poster Award!!
- Repeated delignification for transparent wood
Yuta Furuyama, Takaaki Kasuga, Hirotaka Koga, Masaya Nogi
The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, The 22nd SANKEN Nanotechnology International Symposium, Hyogo, Japan, January 11 (2024) (Poster presentation)
- Al3+-decorated cellulose nanofiber aerogel with improved moisture absorption and stability for repeatable hygroelectric generation
Luting Zhu, Xiang Li, Takaaki Kasuga, Masaya Nogi, Hirotaka Koga
The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, The 22nd SANKEN Nanotechnology International Symposium, Hyogo, Japan, January 11 (2024) (Poster presentation)
- Degradable soil moisture sensor for sustainable and smart agriculture
Takaaki Kasuga, Ami Mizui, Hirotaka Koga, Masaya Nogi
The 27th SANKEN International Symposium, The 22nd SANKEN Nanotechnology International Symposium, Hyogo, Japan, January 11 (2024) (Poster presentation)